Member Benefits

Benefits of Membership

  • Funeral services of your choice, pre-arranged with local funeral directors at a reasonable cost that is guaranteed, for a predetermined period of time, without prepayment.
  • Information and educational materials to assist you in making end-of-life care decisions that respect your values and wishes.
  • A prearrangement form that enables you to designate your preferences with respect to the disposition of your body and the type of service that you desire.
  • Greater peace of mind for you and your family.
  • Availability of economical funeral services from more than 100 other funeral alliances in the U.S should death occur when traveling.
  • A membership that is transferable among other alliances at little or no cost if you move.
  • You will be part of a nationwide consumer affiliate that monitors federal and state funeral industry legislation and serves as an advocate for consumer interests and rights.
  • Download a copy of My End of Life Decision Guide here: My-End-of-Life-Decisions-Guide